Monday, June 29, 2009

Help Save the Rainforest

How would YOU like to save
100+ square feet of Rainforest?
It is really easy, I just did it and here is how: In reading the nutrition facts label on the back of our Tropicana orange juice container, I learned that Tropicana is offering this terrific program to help Rescue the Rainforest. They are working together with an organization called ‘Cool Earth’ and are saving thousands of acres of endangered rainforest.

  • Why not replant forest that's already been destroyed?
  • Do I own the land I save?
  • Who is Cool Earth?

These questions and more are answered on the web site.
It is really easy to participate and no money is necessary except to purchase a larger than 12oz container of Tropicana orange juice labeled with the unique Rescue the Rainforest message and code stamped on it . Participating products include their 32 oz, 59 oz, 64 oz, 89 oz and 128 oz orange juice.

Fruit juice - part of a Healthy Diet
Orange juice, especially 100% pure juice, can be purchased with added Calcium and Vitamin D. Orange juice is always an excellent source of Vitamin C and a good source of Thiamin, Folate and Potassium. Juice is a great way to incorporate the health benefits of fruit into your diet. To benefit from dietary fiber, make most of your daily fruit choices whole or cut-up fruit. 

Tropicana's Rescue the Rainforest promotion has been extended to March 31, 2010
Drink up some nutritious Orange Juice today!

Join team GardenCuisine*

*Note: the spelling is the correct way to spell 'Cuisine'.
This contest was before we jazzed up our name to Cuizine, spelled with a "z"

Every team member’s code will add towards the team total. Together we can watch our plot of rainforest in Peru grow as more codes are entered.

Team Update: As of 2/17/10
1,900 sq ft of Rainforest Saved!
(in the Ashaninka Corridor in Peru)

start your own team by contacting 

Green thumbs up to Tropicana!
Related Links: Rainforest Report Card
TROPICANA is a registered trademark of Tropicana Products, Inc.


  1. Anonymous8/11/2010

    great information you write it very clean. I am very lucky to get this tips from you.

  2. Anonymous8/12/2010

    Great sharing this.


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