Monday, March 15, 2010

Gardens Teach Children Nutrition

Gardens Teach Children Nutrition 

March brings us National Nutrition Month, an annual program sponsored by the American Dietetic Association. This year's theme, 'Nutrition from the Ground Up', brings to mind my favorite subjects: gardening, food, health and nutrition. We all know that in order to live, we need nutrition and energy from food. And, where does all food originate? Wholesome, nutritious food, both for us and for farm animals, grows from seeds planted in the garden! Gardens and farms offer learning opportunities that can provide meaningful experiences and influence healthy-lifestyle changes for all of us - especially children.  

Grains, grasses, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and edible flowers, all come from a farm or garden somewhere. Children find farms and gardens absolutely fascinating and welcome the opportunity to participate. Children actually enjoy, and even ask for more, fruits and vegetables after having a helping-hand in planting and harvesting them. Children who experience gardening have multiple opportunities to learn about working cooperatively, science, math, art, reading, writing, weather, wildlife, insects, and all about plant life, food, health and nutrition.

Gardens do not have to be located just in your own backyard either; school, camp, and public children's gardens are gaining popularity throughout the nation. During recent years, I have had the pleasure and opportunity to visit and research several children's gardens. Look for my top 10 Plant Picks for a Children's Garden in articles published on 
I'm Blogging National Nutrition Month
'Celebrate National Nutrition Month by Gardening with Children' 

Part 1- Best Plants for Gardening with Kids

Related Links: 
Camden Children's Garden
HealthBarn USA
Fruits and Veggies, More Matters 
Benefits of Gardening for Children 
"Mommy, look what I picked!" Improving Children's Nutrition and Health through Gardening by Diana Wind

Credits: Eat Right logo is a registered trademark of the American Dietetic Association. Children in Garden Photograph taken at HealthBarnUSA with permission.   

Copyright © 2010 Wind. All rights reserved.

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