Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Guide to Food Groups on your Plate Video

Food Group Recommendations 
for a Healthy Meal

Don't wait until you're stricken with Obesity or Diabetes to learn about how much and what foods you should be eating. Prevention is the key; start now with something as simple as - how much food to serve yourself from the various food groups? Your food choices can really make a big difference to you and your family's health - both today and in the future.

This video by the American Diabetes Association explains what your food plate should look like, even if you don't have diabetes. Registered Dietitians recommend this too. Food groups include: Grains, Vegetables (non-starchy and starchy), Fruits, Fat, Milk, and Meat and Beans. For the most part fats should be eaten sparingly, and dairy products and fruits should be part of your daily diet too. You won't find calcium in a glass of soda. This leaves your main plate selections to include: 
Vegetables, Grains, and Protein

Vegetables - Simply imagine your plate as divided in half. Make half of your plate one or more (or a combination of) non-starchy vegetables, such as a stir-fry, salad, broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes, onions, zucchini, spinach, or any other veggie. The point is to fill half your plate with vegetables! Even in my family this concept has been unpopular. Just keep in mind that science-based facts support this. And studies show that diets balanced with a large amount of vegetables result in better health with less disease. 

For the other half of your plate:
Imagine the other half is divided in half again, making two, 1/4-sized spots for two more food groups: Grains and Protein
  • Grains - The grains could include brown rice, barley, quinoa, cous cous or pasta. Starchy vegetables could be substituted such as: potato, winter squash, lima beans, or peas. 
  • Protein - Make your protein choice about the size of your fist. Proteins include: fish, chicken, turkey, beef, pork, lamb, seafood, eggs, or a vegetarian entree made with soybeans. The video will help you to better envision what a balanced, nutritious meal should look like.

    Related Links
    Health Benefits of Fruits and Vegetables are from additive and synergistic combinations of Phytochemicals, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003
    Fruits and Veggies More Matters
    Create Your Plate The American Diabetes Association

    Fruits and Veggies More Matters logo Copyright © Produce for Better Health Foundation. All rights reserved. logo Copyright © United States Department of Agriculture. All rights reserved.
    Blog Article Copyright © 2010 Wind. All rights reserved. 


    1. Anonymous9/28/2010

      excellent points and the details are more specific than elsewhere, thanks.

      - Murk

    2. Anonymous10/22/2010

      last few days our class held a similar talk about this subject and you illustrate something we haven't covered yet, appreciate that.

      - Kris


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