Monday, March 7, 2011

Eat Colorful Fruits and Veggies Every Day!

Garden and Grow 
Your Favorite Colorful Produce

RED/PINK - apples, tomatoes, watermelon, peppers, currants, chard, cherries, strawberries, raspberries, grapefruit, guava, red onion, rhubarb, red radish, Gogi berries
ORANGE - papaya, butternut squash, carrots, nasturtium flower, oranges, tangerines, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, mango, kumquats, apricots, cantaloupe melon, peaches
GREEN - spinach, lettuce, kale, collard greens, broccoli, cabbage, bok choy (pak choi), celery, cucumber, kiwi, lime, honeydew melon, gooseberries, broccoli raab, sorrel, tomatillos, peppers, peas, avocado, asparagus, arugula, cilantro, oregano, mustard greens, mizuna, purslane, watercress, basil, chives, dill, parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
BLUE/PURPLE - blueberries, grapes, raisins, eggplant, prunes, blackberries, purple basil, purple pak choi, red cabbage, purple asparagus, purple potatoes, purple cauliflower
WHITE/TAN - garlic, ginger, mushrooms, parsnips, potatoes, onion, horseradish, shallots, scallions, leeks, lychee fruit, pears, cherimoya
YELLOW - corn, lemon, squash, pineapple, nasturtium flower, bananas, turmeric, Yukon Gold potatoes, yellow raspberries, yellow tomatoes, yellow watermelon
I'm Blogging National Nutrition Month
It's National Nutrition Month: Eat Right with Color
Eat A Colorful Variety Every Day
FRUITS Nutrition Facts
VEGETABLES Nutrition Facts
Copyright © 2011 D.Wind. All rights reserved.
Eat Right with Color logo used with permission from the American Dietetic Association

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