Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Nutrient-dense Bok Choy (Pak Choi) #GardenCuizine

Growing and Cooking Nutritious
Bok Choy (Pak Choi) 

Cruciferous vegetables like nutrient-dense Bok Choy (also known as Pak Choi) provide numerous health benefits and may reduce cancer and inflammation risks. Bok Choy provides excellent nutrition with vitamins, minerals and cholesterol reducing plant sterols. This super nutritious Asian veggie comes in white or green ribbed varieties that deserve a place in your garden and on your plate.

Cruciferous Vegetables
Other healthy cruciferous veggies include: cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, arugula, kale, collards, mustard greens, turnips, Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi, rutabaga, watercress, horseradish and radish. Members of the Brassica genus and Brassicaceae mustard family contain beneficial phytonutrients, such as isothiocyanates.

For Best Health
The US Department of Agriculture recommends adults eat 2 1/2 - 3 cups of vegetables every day. The amount recommended varies depending on your age, sex and level of physical activity. For optimum health, vary your vegetable intake with: 
  • dark-green vegetables (bok choy, broccoli, spinach, collards, romaine, mustard greens, etc.)
  • red and orange vegetables
  • beans and peas (legumes)
  • starchy vegetables
Use the new Food Guide Plate ( as a guide and make half of your plate a generous serving of fruits and vegetables. Balance the rest of your meal with a serving of lean protein food, whole grains, calcium sources and a low amount of fat.

Where can I find Bok Choy?
Ideally the best way to obtain the freshest and most flavorful Bok Choy is to grow your own. But, if you are not a gardener, no need to worry, you can usually find Bok Choy in your local supermarket or Asian market. 

When to Plant
Bok Choy grows best in the spring or fall. We plan on ordering seeds now to plant some later this summer for a fall harvest.

GardenCuizine Bok Choy Nutrition: calculated from USDA nutrient values
Good Source: Calcium, Potassium, Manganese, Vitamin B6, Folate, Iron
Excellent Source: Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K

1 cup of chopped Pak Choi (170g): Vitamin A - 7223IU (144% DV); Vitamin C - 44mg (74%DV); Vitamin K - 58mcg (72%DV); Calcium - 158mg (16%DV); Potassium 631mg (18%DV); Manganese - 0.2mg (12%DV); Vitamin B6 - 0.3mg (14%DV); Folate - 70mcg (17%DV) and Iron 1.8mg (10%DV).

For how to cook Bok Choy check out my
Super Nutritious Bok Choy (Pak Choi) article on Dave's Garden.

Percent Daily Values (DV) are based on a caloric intake of 2,000 calories for adults and children age 4 or older.
Blog Article and photo Copyright © 2011 D.Wind. All rights reserved.

Related Links: Cruciferous Vegetables and Cancer
How Many Fruits and Vegetables do You Need?

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