Friday, February 10, 2012

Control or Prevent Type 2 Diabetes w/Healthy Eating #diabetes #gardencuizine @NDEP

Diabetes Control
Control or Prevent Type 2 Diabetes

After spending the day helping patients deal with the consequences of undesirable, painful complications of slow healing wounds, amputations, peripheral artery disease, diabetic retinopathy and foot pain from obesity coupled with uncontrolled diabetes, I wanted to share this healthy eating with diabetes video. 

Healthy eating is critical for losing and maintaining a healthy weight and is important to control:
  • blood sugar
  • blood pressure
  • cholesterol 
If you or someone you care for has diabetes and does not know how to control their blood sugar, Certified Diabetes Educators (CDE) and Registered Dietitians (RD) can help. Dietitians can be found in hospital out-patient settings and in private practices. Your doctor may have a referral or you can contact the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics for a Dietitian near you.

 A dietitian can help you learn about which foods raise your blood sugar and come up with an easy to follow meal plan.
  • Think “small steps”  
A few small changes can go a long way in helping you live a healthy lifestyle with diabetes.
Related Links: 
National Diabetes Education Program
American Diabetes Association

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