Saturday, February 4, 2012

Healthy Seniors: Scan Old Photos * Write Stories * Share Memories @NIAGo4Life #GardenCuizine

Italian Family Memories
Mom's Vignettes

The senior citizens in your life may enjoy sorting through old photos and writing about their past memories as an activity. Junetta Salottolo-Mehl, now the eldest in our family at 80 years old, has a wealth of knowledge about growing up as an Italian in New York City. As you may know, I've been prodding her about her recollections of foods from her childhood and what it was like growing up. Italians have long been big on fresh garden-grown foods and cooking. 

Unfortunately, dear Mom can't remember many food or garden stories...(sigh)...but whatever she would like to share, I'll be posting here on GardenCuizine in hopes of inspiring other seniors. Mom's boxes are packed full of photographs of people that only she can identify. Using today's modern technology, we've been scanning the pictures into the computer for her so she can share and enjoy them.

Senior activities enhance well being by stimulating the body, mind and soul. Sharing stories, writing, sorting through old photos can be fun and sometimes sad, when we remember those who are no longer with us.

More of Mom's vignettes will soon be posted; she has written several now - stay tuned.

Related Links:  Best Way to Preserve Old Photos
Senior Activities for Mind and Body 
Benefits of Eating Well
Physical Activity for Older Adults


  1. Anonymous2/22/2012

    I was with Al when your e-mail arrived with Post #3! These stories are just wonderful! I sent them along to cousin,Tom! Love, Aunt Jo

  2. Great! I was hoping Tom would get to read her stories and see the photos too. TY - hope to see you soon


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