Thursday, March 29, 2012

Fight Obesity * Eat Lean * Eat More Green * Exercise! * Beware of Portion Distortion @letsmove @atlanticcape

 Chefs Move to Schools
This video was a delight to watch after a long day on the job counseling adults and children in the fight against obesity. Prevention is far more desirable than having to try and regain control of an already overweight or morbidly obese body that has or may soon be at health risk for: 
  • high blood pressure
  • heart disease
  • hyperlipidemia (high cholesterol)
  • aching knees and joints that may require knee replacement surgery
  • GERD (reflux disease)
  • diabetes
  • the list goes on...
Now in it's second year, The Chefs Move to Schools program - a major component of the First Lady's Let's Move initiative - continues to provide an opportunity for thousands of chefs (so far 3,400 chefs and 3,350 schools) around the country to help solve the childhood obesity epidemic within a generation. 

Chefs Move to Schools pairs chefs with schools in their communities to make learning about fruits and vegetables fun. The program brings messages from the cafeteria to the classroom, teaching kids in an interactive way about food, nutrition and healthy cooking. 

My former Academy of Culinary Arts pastry chef/instructor Chef Chelius (known as the "Queen of Lean" in the video) adopted Mrs. Spangler's, family and consumer sciences teacher (aka the "Queen of Green") 6th grade food class from Ocean City Intermediate School in South Jersey. They share their approach to MyPlate in the classroom and how they are helping in the fight against childhood obesity in New Jersey. Enjoy the video!

Great job to all; the teacher, all the participating 6th grade students, the school - OCIS, and of course the Chef!
Related Links
Let's Move Chefs Move to Schools Sign up


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