Sunday, March 11, 2012

@PhilaFlowerShow select photos #GardenCuizine #gardenchat

Flower Show 2012
Happiness is being able to attend the world's largest flower show with family and friends. Philadelphia hosted the first flower show back in 1827 - the first flower show ever in the nation, which has grown to what is now the largest indoor exhibition. I can still remember attending the show in the '90's when it was held at the Civic Center before moving to their current location at the Pennsylvania Convention Center. 

Looking at some of my photos taken tonight, you would never know they were taken on the last day during the last hours of the 8-day long show. 
Throughout the show we observed variegated ginger, society garlic and pineapple plants (Ananas comosus) tucked in along with the tropical foliage that lined many of the exhibit areas. Some of my favorite areas were not even Hawaiian. 
If you like historic Colonial Williamsburg, you would have especially enjoyed the Colonial Williamsburg Kitchen Gardens with oyster shell walkways and garden veggies that included lettuce, turnips, beans and asparagus. Growing veggies, herbs and fruits in kitchen gardens was common during the colonial period. 
Ever wonder what to do with old house windows? They can be made into cold frames to protect vegetables from frost and freezing temperatures. We enjoyed seeing a display of veggies growing beneath cold frames made from recycled old windows. 

Next to the cold frame display was an impressive hydroponic lettuce wall. The walkway led to another veggie garden featuring tomato plants, chard, amaranth and cabbage.

The Men's Garden Club of Philadelphia presented an impressive and inviting table setting surrounded by sacks of coffee beans and well planned landscape. 

With all the wonderful displays and even with having a floor plan, it was easy to miss some of the exhibits due to sheer volume and size of the convention center. I was hoping to, but never did, see the Camden Children's Garden and a Paw-Paw tree that was somewhere in one of the exhibits.

From what I understand, next year's Philadelphia Flower Show will be Brilliant!

Just a few more weeks until spring. Happy Gardening! 
Photographs Copyright 2012 Wind. All Rights Reserved.

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