Sunday, June 24, 2012

Adopt a healthier lifestyle, reduce Coronary Artery Disease by 82% #GardenCuizine

Living with and Managing 
Coronary Artery Disease

YOU have the power to prevent or delay Coronary Artery Disease. Take Control!! Lower your risk factors:
  • Eat a healthier diet
  • Exercise with doctor approval
  • Medications may be necessary
  • Don't Smoke...and if you do, QUIT!
  • You can do it!
Follow a Heart Healthy eating plan.
  • Eat a variety of Whole Grains
  • Eat more Fruits and Vegetables
  • Avoid Saturated Fats and Trans Fats
  • Eat a diet Low in Cholesterol
  • Prepare foods with Less Salt
  • Avoid Sugar Sweetened Drinks
Do what you can to maintain a healthy body weight. Exercise most days for at least 15-30 minutes. Take your recommended medications as needed.
  • Diabetes is a major CAD risk factor
  • A Registered Dietitian can help!
Related Links 
Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes, TLC diet

1 comment:

  1. Healthy lifestyle is an option for preventing and treating allmost all kinds of diseases, I'm all for it, always!


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