Friday, June 29, 2012

Creative, Vitamin C-rich version of Peppers and Eggs #GardenCuizine

Bell Peppers and Eggs
Low Sodium ~ High Vitamin C

This morning we cooked sweet bell peppers with eggs over easy; a creative and tasty way to add vegetable nutrients to breakfast. Sweet bell red peppers are an excellent source of Vitamin C and a good source of Vitamin A. In the past we've made peppers and eggs using sweet banana frying peppers with scrambled Egg Beaters, this was something different.

The idea was inspired from a recent Pinterest post. They weren't as picture perfect as the Pinterest post; the egg whites ran out a little from under the pepper rings, but it added interest to the creation. Everyone enjoyed them! 

Growing Bell Peppers Health Tip
Remember if you're growing bell peppers, let them ripen to yellow, red or orange for sweeter flavor and higher Vitamin C!

Free range eggs (1-2 per person)
Bell Peppers sliced in 1/2 inch rings from the widest ends of the peppers for the number of eggs you plan on cooking
Paprika and/or fresh ground black pepper - optional 

No salt needed!

Putting it all together

  • Lightly spray a hot griddle or cooking pan with vegetable oil
  • Cook the pepper rings first, turning on each side
  • Crack eggs sunny side up into each ring
  • Cover and cook until the whites are cooked. If you don't want to overcook the yolks, flip the egg in the pepper ring as you would for eggs over easy and serve.
Buon Appetito!

GardenCuizine Nutrition Analysis Bell Pepper slice (without the egg): Serving Size 20g 1 ring 1/2-inch thick: Calories 6; total Fat 0g; Sodium 0.4mg (0%DV); Cholesterol 0; dietary Fiber .4g (2%DV); Vitamin A 326IU (12%DV); Vitamin C 26mg (42%DV); Vitamin E 0.4mg (2%DV)
Related Links
Growing Bell Peppers
Blog post and photo collage Copyright (C)2012 Wind. All Rights Reserved.


  1. WOW, I found this throu google search, i love it

  2. Thanks! We actually found that when you flip them over easy, they cook best


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