Monday, August 20, 2012

We’re all at risk for heart disease ♥ Lower yours! ♥ Eat more #GardenCuizine ♥ Be active @Rosie

As you may have heard, celebrity Rosie O’Donnell is thanking her lucky stars and guardian angels for enabling her to survive a heart attack. Her LAD (left anterior descending artery) was 99% blocked. A coronary artery stent was used to open the blocked area, which is a small coil that expands inside the artery to keep it open for blood flow to the heart. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States.

Know the risk factors 
for heart disease
  • · High LDL (bad) cholesterol
  • · High triglyceride levels
  • · Reduced HDL (good) cholesterol
  • · High blood pressure (hypertension)
  • · Physical inactivity
  • · Smoking
  • · Obesity
  • · Diabetes
  • · Eating a diet high in saturated fats (French fries, pizza, cheese steaks, chips, cookies, cake, candy…) 
  • · Family history
Act now to improve the risk factors that relate to you. What will your heart do today?
  Eat and Cook 
with more GardenCuizine!
Eating more Whole Grains, Fruits and Vegetables can naturally lower your cholesterol and improve your health. Plant foods contain natural plant compounds called plant stanols, which have been scientifically shown to lower cholesterol. In addition, plant foods are generally low in fat and sodium - just what the doctor ordered as part of a heart healthy diet.  

A registered dietitian can customize a meal plan for you and provide complete dietary guidelines. Eating a diet low in fat, sodium and dietary cholesterol makes good disease prevention sense and is not just for those who have heart disease.
Related Links My Heart Attack
Coronary Heart Disease

Cooking for Lower Cholesterol
Plant Stanol Recommendations

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