Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving be sensitive to family/friends who have had or planning #weightlosssurgery #wls

Weight Loss Surgery
and Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is a time for family and friends to gather, visit and eat a feast. What happens when you can't eat that feast anymore? Bariatric patients who have had weight loss surgery can NOT consume a single, big meal with excessive portion sizes. I repeat, they can NOT and should NOT attempt to overeat during any social celebration or gathering.

Overeating can be dangerous and work against important nutrition and health weight management goals for those who have had, or plan to get, weight loss surgery.
There are 3 main types of weight loss surgeries that are happening across the country today:

1) Laparoscopic Gastric Banding (LapBand) surgery
2) Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy (Gastric Sleeve) surgery
3) Roux en Y Gastric Bypass

In all of the above surgeries the stomach is greatly reduced in size to minimize the amount of food that can be consumed during one meal. Individuals who have had surgery should never feel compelled or encouraged to eat more than they can mindfully eat. 

You should also be aware that people who have had, or are planning, weight loss surgery have been instructed by their dietitians and surgeons not to drink during meals. What does this mean for you? Do you comment at the dining table when you see them reach for a beverage during dinner? Of course not. I know I sure wouldn't want to hear it. It probably would be wise to keep your comments to yourself, but be considerate and avoid offering a beverage during mealtime.

Don't push sweets. People who have had gastric bypass can get physically ill with nausea, the shakes/sweats, vomiting or diarrhea (dumping syndrome) by eating concentrated sweets like cranberry jelly, pumpkin pie, ice cream or cakes.

If you have family or friends who have had surgery or are planning surgery, do them a favor and ignore the topic of what they are, or are not, eating and simply enjoy their company during the holiday.  

And, if you're reading this and you have had surgery or are planning it, please do the best you can to stay focused on your goals during Thanksgiving and the upcoming holiday season. Plan on having an enjoyable and blessed holiday.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Related Links
Giving Thanks for Nature's Harvest by Diana Wind, RD
Surviving Thanksgiving after Weight Loss Surgery

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