Monday, March 11, 2013

Product Comparison: @MyArcticZero vs Turkey Hill Frozen Yogurt #GardenCuizine

Have you tried Arctic Zero frozen desserts yet? 
I’m always on the lookout for low calorie treats, especially since the majority of my nutrition counseling sessions focus on weight management. Arctic Zero was mentioned today by @eringraysonRD on my Twitter feed and I thought I’d check it out. Arctic Zero has been sold in stores since 2009. 

I decided to compare it with fat-free Turkey Hill frozen yogurt. Compared to frozen yogurt, Arctic Zero has less than half the calories and even has a little dietary fiber. In today's obesogenic environment, this is a good thing.

Read the Label
Calcium and vitamin D are important nutrients for optimal bone health; they are both lacking in American diets according to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Just something to keep in mind when you make your food choices.

Reading food labels is always recommended for any product you plan to buy. A good rule of thumb is to think food groups: 
  • Protein
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Grains
  • and Dairy (calcium-rich products, can be non-dairy too) 
Hmmm...what food group does Arctic Zero fit into? ZERO. It is a treat. As their name says, "frozen dessert."

Nutrient Comparison
Compared to frozen yogurt, Artic Zero doesn’t have nearly as much calcium - a nutrient you can always count on in yogurt. Their protein content is comparable. Sodium is slightly higher in Arctic Zero. 

If you are diabetic or pre-diabetic, Arctic Zero has much less carbohydrate per serving, which may be a good thing if you are counting carbs and desire a larger serving size or want to add a topping of fresh fruit without going over your carb count.  

Watch Your Portion Size!
Arctic Zero temps you to consume the entire pint of their product as a single serving. Front and center on their product label they promote that there is only 150 calories per pint. Remember, you would need to multiply the below nutrition facts by 4 (2 cups equals 1 pint) since one serving size is 1/2 cup. So eating a pint of Arctic Zero would mean you would consume 320 mg of sodium. Low sodium is considered 140 mg or less per serving.

Compare the nutrition facts for yourself; per ½ cup serving Arctic Zero vs. Turkey Hill frozen yogurt. And, as with any dessert or treat, enjoy in moderation.
Ingredients in Artic Zero include organic cane sugar, Monk fruit concentrate and one of my favorite garden plants in the Aster family - chicory root (Chicorium intybus).
Blog post Copyright (C)2013 Wind. All rights reserved.

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