Saturday, July 27, 2013

Today in Our Garden * hummingbirds * nectar plants * heirloom tomatoes * flowers * herbs #GardenCuizine

Today In Our Garden
South Jersey

USDA Zone 7a (formerly zone 6b) 
July 27, 2013
This year our gardens are lush and green thanks to the most rain I can ever remember during the summer here in Jersey. The recent break in the heat wave has been wonderful too. Lots of wildlife activity today with birds and small animals seeking shelter, water and food.
It was hard not to notice the many ruby-throated hummingbirds that were zipping around our yard and gardens today - visiting salvias and other blooms rich in nectar. Besides all the blooms, our freshly filled hummingbird feeders were like a hummingbird magnet. I was able to photograph the silhouette of a hummer on a tree branch later in the day that you can see in the above photo collage. Our vegetable garden is bordered with tall, red cannas and chia salvia that invite the speedy little birds to circle the garden every day.

Harry dug up a batch of potatoes the other day as you know from my Potatoes Anna blog post. The Italian basil that was started from seed is about ready to harvest too. So is our blooming oregano. Bronze fennel is also blooming; I plan to let that go and harvest the seeds later. Our vine ripening, organic, tomatoes include Pruden's purple, Goldman's Italian American and French heirloom, Juane Flamme - shown below. 
Hope you're enjoying a summer full of fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs and flowers from your garden and/or local farmers' markets. 
Related Links
Hummingbird Pollinators Dave's Garden article by Diana Wind
Find a Farmers' Market 
Blog post and photos Copyright (C)2013 Wind. All rights reserved.

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