Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Carrot flower Hummus tasting ✿ Owl Sandwich ✿ Kids nutrition education @InspiraHN #GardenCuizine

Last nights event at Family Success Center Vineland was a success for families. SPLI Students from Cumberland County College provided the program. I was consulted as the dietitian from Inspira Health Network to review the nutrition education materials and recipes, and answer any questions by families. Both kids and parents were tuckered out with smiles after the fun, physical activity segment by PJ Ragone from Inspira Fitness Connection PIT program. Great job CCC Visionaries!
Kids learned about the food groups and healthy eating, making and tasting healthy foods, including whole grain bread, low fat cheese, hummus and olives. Olives were used in light Babybel cheese ladybugs (not shown).
Blog post and photos Copyright (C)2014 Wind. All rights reserved.

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