Sunday, May 25, 2014

Today in Our Garden #GardenCuizine #gardenchat

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Today In Our Garden 
South Jersey
USDA Zone 7a (formerly zone 6b)

Such a beautiful day that even the weeds are beautiful including Eastern Daisy fleabane. Our newly planted Chicago Fig and Cherry trees (Blackgold Sweet Cherry and Stark Montmorency Pie Cherry) are looking good and showing new growth.

Hard to believe that store bought pink trumpet-like blooms of potted Italian Heather (Erica ventricosa) could look so amazing. Harry got the plant from Wegmans - a supermarket - of all places! 

Clematis are especially gorgeous this time of year, especially the rich purple Clematis Wildfire - a Polish hybrid.

The bright lights of Amsonia blue star are fading as our attention shifts to bright hot pink climbing rose Zephirine Drouhin growing beneath a locally crafted ceramic bird house. A little, vocal wren has been actively guarding her nest this morning.
A new, beautiful orange-yellow Scotch Broom plant by the roadside is small now, but will grow into a decent sized 4 to 6-foot shrub: Scotch Broom 'Pomona'.

Memorial Day holiday weekend is a good time to plant veggie seeds and plant out seedlings that were home grown or purchased. What are you planting? We have several homegrown, organic, heirloom tomatoes planted including: Chocolate cherry, large red, large yellow, Goldman's Italian American, Berkeley Tie Dye, and Cherokee Purple.

Happy and Healthy Gardening
We plan to prepare something healthy with red, white and blue this holiday weekend. How about you? Watch for blueberry vinaigrette post coming soon.
Blog post and photos Copyright (C)2014 Wind. All rights reserved. 

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