Saturday, June 13, 2015

Never without a camera in our kitchen! The Pie is My Canvas #GardenCuizine #foodart #edibleflowers

The Pie is My Canvas
Decorate your next family birthday pie or cake with edible flowers for a unique dessert that can't be found anywhere else. In our house, we enjoy celebrating birthdays with pies more than cake. Key Lime Pie ranks number one for mom. With food comes photography in our house. Enjoy the following step-by-step pie decorating photos.

Step 1 - Make your favorite pie. For Key Lime Pie our favorite crust is gram cracker, but this year we didn't have any so I used KIND whole grain granola with raspberries and chia. It was a bit chewy and not as delicate as grahams, but Mom still loved it. To make it, I ground the granola in a coffee grinder; added egg white to hold it together. Bake for 10 minutes at 350 deg.F, then fill with key-lime custard and bake again for 15 minutes.

Step 2 - Take a walk in your garden and select edible blooms to decorate with. This year our seasoning celery was in bloom along with yellow blooms from mustard greens so I snipped some of them along with a handful of small pink roses. Red shiso perilla was perfect for accent leaves. Shiso selfs sows freely in our gardens.
Step 3 - Whip up some cream. This year I added a few fresh raspberries to the cream since their were raspberries in the granola crust. Fill a pastry bag with a star tip. And pipe rosettes around the border of chilled pie (make sure the pie is NOT warm).
Step 4 - Melt bakers chocolate in the microwave and stir until all is melted. Make a small pastry bag out of parchment and cut the tip with scissors.  Write your message.
Step 5 - Arrange your edible blooms.
Enjoy your creation with family and friends!

Happy 84th Birthday Mom!

Photos and blog post Copyright (C)Wind. All rights reserved.

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