Today in Our Garden
South Jersey
USDA Zone 7a (formerly zone 6b)
Hot and muggy weather in South Jersey today. It's still worth a stroll outside to get some exercise and enjoy nature. Of course, I took a camera as I walked through the garden with my coffee this morning.
At the top of a trellis, Clematis Wildfire showed off a few deep purple blooms with white, daisy-like, penny-sized blooms of Feverfew growing below. Feverfew naturalizes beautifully in Cottage Gardens.
Hydrangeas macrophylla ‘blue billow’ are in full bloom along with Oakleaf Hydrangea quecifolia Snowflake ‘Brido’. Our cobalt blue pom pom hydrangeas didn't bloom last year after the brutal winter, but regrowth has buds just starting to open!
In a raised bed with marigolds and rosemary, recently planted Dolico Cow Pea sprouts look promising as they poke through the dirt. Italian black-eyed peas hold skinny 5 1/2 inch long asparagus-colored pods atop uniform 12-inch plants according to Territorial Seed Company.
Sweet pepper plants have peppers showing already and our heirloom tomato plants are producing yellow flowers! Hummingbird favorites: Trumpet vine, Coronado hyssop, Lady in Red salvia, Coral Nymph and other pink salvias are starting to bloom too.
Red cannas and dinner plate dahlias are on the move and growing well. Harry planted them around the border of our veggie garden like usual. I relocated a few hollyhock seedlings to the garden fence border too; they came from another spot where they self sowed.
Our special dahlias include red and yellow Show and Tell - a favorite from my cousin Bob who was an avid dahlia grower. It's hard to believe August 8th will be 5 years since he passed away from cancer.
Feeling Blue
Our Blue Garden patch of blue salvias seems to have disappeared, which is disappointing this year. Salvia Black and Blue and Salvia Guaranitica have returned for us the past 10 years, but this season I've only spotted a few Salvia Guaranitica's. Our Salvia uliginosa – Bog Sage didn't come back either. I wonder what was different this past winter... too much moisture or maybe too dry a spring?
Happy Gardening!
Photos and blog post Copyright (C)Wind. All rights reserved.
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