Monday, December 7, 2015

Is Junk Food to Blame for Obesity? hell yeah #getreal

Is Junk Food to Blame for Obesity?

Hell, yeah - get real. And so are excess portion sizes. As an outpatient dietitian working with patient after patient across the lifespan struggling with obesity, it is no surprise that when it comes to being truthful in verbal diet recalls or written food diarys, individuals simply do not report all that is consumed when first asked. It takes many visits before an individual or family shares their real eating patterns. When I read studies published by PhD's stating that intake of fast foods, soft drinks and candy is unrelated to body mass index of 95% of American adults, it reminds me of headlines in the past (1988-1990 in particular) that touted the anticholesterol benefits of oat bran.

Professionals need to use common sense and discretion before making confusing claims to the public based on data reported to the CDC's National Health and Examination Survey. Do you think that those interviewed by strangers were truthful with regards to frequency of eating fast foods, soft drinks or candy? 

Furthermore, studies that suggest that clinicians and practitioners examine overall eating patterns of their clients are preaching to the choir. Any RDN involved who counsels obese patients would be following professional protocol and evaluating food intake, including snacking, as well as physical activity.

Those in healthcare and academia should strive not to confuse people, but rather to help prevent and treat diseases such as obesity by encouraging eating less junk food and limiting excess portions.

Happy Holidays! And, best wishes as you strive for a healthy diet and lifestyle in the New Year. You can do it. Exercise as medically able and eat a balanced diet of lean protein, fruits, vegetables, whole grains and calcium rich foods and beverages.

Blog post Copyright (C)Wind. All rights reserved.

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