Saturday, April 2, 2016

Today in Our Garden #NJ #gardenchat #GardenCuizine

Today in Our Garden
South Jersey
USDA Zone 7a (formerly zone 6b)

Yesterday, the hot 79 degree Jersey weather coached more leaves, buds, herbs, veggies and blooms to emerge in our yard and gardens! An asparagus spear surprised me this morning. Nothing beats snacking on a thin, tender spear of raw asparagus snapped at the base fresh from your garden.

Cold air is on the way though that will slow growth down over the next few days. Most hyacinths and daffodils have had plenty of show time already and surely won't mind a little more cold air. In fact, greens like lettuce and arugula prefer cooler temperatures.
Bleeding hearts are pink and pretty. I forgot to look to see if our white bleeding hearts are coming up. Harry's favorite vinca vine is still blooming carpets of purple and makes for a great ground cover wherever planted. Purple money plants are blooming too. 
PJM rhododendron was in full bloom in time to be trimmed for Easter flower arrangements made at church. PJM stems are firm and sturdy; the leaves are a nice chocolate (burgundy tinged) color that work great in arrangements
Our veggie garden has a few straggly arugula that taste good and spicy. We need to get more seed sown outside as soon as I clear away some weeds. Bronze fennel has naturalized and taken over a raised bed all to itself. On the edge of the fennel bed a butterfly bush decided to grow there. Butterfly bushes have shallow roots and can easily be yanked up and disposed of, shared, or moved. I relocated a few yesterday.
The wood in all our raised beds is showing signs of wear and tear and collapsing from rot. I guess I'll have to see about remaking a few myself. We have 6 raised beds that were ordered from a catalog company; they aren't lasting nearly as long as the 2 sturdy mom-made raised beds we have! I'm not very good at building things and mom may be too old now to participate. I'll blog how to build one if I figure out how to. How hard can it be?

Meanwhile indoors, we have coleus cuttings from last summer under grow lights and heirloom seeds sprouting. Just like a watched pot never boils, a watched seed tray seems to take forever to grow. However, seedlings that include dill, tomatoes and basil are growing slowly but surely.

Now is not too late for you to start some seeds indoors too. All you need are seeds (can get some online or at a Garden Center including Home Depot), a pot of dirt, water and a grow light or sunny windowsill!

Happy and Healthy Gardening!
Photos and blog post Copyright (C)Wind. All rights reserved.

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