Saturday, July 16, 2016

Summer Kale Cooler! #GardenCuizine #nutritious #smoothie #proteinshake #healthysnack

Summer Kale Cooler
Vanilla - Peach - Kale
yields 3-4 servings
~36 ounces total

1 2/3 cups (almost 2 cups) Very Vanilla Soy Milk
2 scoops Whey Protein Powder - vanilla

1 banana
1 large leaf kale; washed, stem removed
2-3 Tablespoons plain Greek yogurt
8 ice cubes
Putting it all together
Peel banana. Wash and pit peach. Add all ingredients to a blender. 
Blend until well mixed. 
Pour into serving glasses and enjoy!

GardenCuizine Nutrition Data: coming soon - check back!
Photos and recipe Copyright (C)Wind. All rights reserved. 

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