Friday, September 9, 2016

Beat the heat with antioxidant-rich, hydrating Watermelon @JerseyFreshNJDA #GardenCuizine @KidsEatRight #healthykids

Cool off with a refreshing slice of

Our 7th heatwave continues here in New Jersey. The temperatures have been so hot and dry. Birds were thankful this morning when I refreshed their birdbaths. According to Rutgers NJ Weather, this summer has been the 4th warmest since 1895. Today's real feel temp is triple digits! Everywhere you look, lawns are crispy, shrubs and gardens are withering. We sure are desperate for rain. Even established trees are dying, with some actually falling over. This kind of heat makes me think about a few important reminders: 1) be environmentally responsible - never take water for granted and 2) don't let yourself dehydrate! 

The human body including our brain, heart, lungs and skin is primarily composed of water. Hot temperatures increase risk for dehydration; drink plenty of water. And, eat more Fruits and vegetables to contribute nutrients and water to the body. For example, WATERmelon contains 90% water. Strangely enough, watermelon grows really well in drought conditions like we've had this summer.

On my way home from work at Bridgeton this week, I stopped by Lima Family Farm-stand and spoke with farmer Jacob and his sister, Janice. He said, "it has been a great summer for melons" especially watermelon and cantaloupe. I decided to buy a whole watermelon with seeds rather than seedless. Janice and I think watermelon with seeds have better flavor. Which do you like better?

Watermelon nutrition benefits include: Vitamin A, potassium and antioxidants like citrulline, lycopene, beta carotene and Vitamin C. Fresh watermelons are still available at local farm markets!

Enjoy watermelon for a low calorie, refreshing snack.

Watermelon Nutrition Facts

Excellent Source: Vitamin C
Good Source: Vitamin A
1 cup diced Watermelon = 46 calories; total carbohydrates: 11.5g; dietary Fiber: 1g (2% DV); Vitamin A: 865 IU (17% DV); Vitamin C: 12.3 mg (21% DV); Potassium 170 mg (5% DV); plant sterols: 3 mg; Water 139g
Related Links
The Water in You
Watermelon Nutrition and Growing Tips 
Photo and blog post Copyright (C)Wind. All rights reserved.

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