Sunday, April 23, 2017

@sciencemarchPHL Philadelphia March for Science #marchforscience #sciencematters #ScienceMarch #noalternativefacts #factsmatter

Why March?
Philadelphia March for Science
Earth Day 2017

We woke up to a rainy, chilly morning. Attending the March for Science was a last minute decision for us. Social media played a part: it was encouraging to see the event supported by EatRightPro, Greenpeace, Harvard Public Health, Drexel, Rutgers and other respectable organizations

There were over 500 places to march; for us, Philadelphia was the closest. It was probably not the greatest idea to wait until the night before to log onto the website for information. The site was slow, but we were able to get the most important information: arrive at City Hall by 10:00 am. 

After breakfast, we took the Speedline (train) into town. I hadn't been to Philly for a while. Harry was there not too long ago.
Most of the people on the train were headed to the march. People sitting near us had homemade, creative signs. An older woman sitting opposite us was going with her children and grandchildren. Her sign read, "Without Science I Could Not Hear."

The Philadelphia March for Science began at City Hall promptly at 11:00 am, as planned. 
We slowly paraded down Market Street with a diverse group of people of all ages carrying signs that were interesting and informative to read. Some were serious, some were sassy, some were very creative; all had a personalized, Earth Day, scientific message to share. A few people wore lab coats. Pro-science fans lined the sides of the street displaying their signs too.

The rainy weather was not too bad until we made it to Penn's Landing; then it started to rain more steadily. The rain was tolerable and didn't deter the crowd, though. Thankfully, the March was peaceful, even when passing a lone individual proudly waving an extra large pro-Trump flag.

Why did we March for Science? 
We marched for us and for America's future. My entire family will depend on science to guide us in upcoming health decisions. We don't want to lose sight of the big picture either: our National Parks, our environment, our oceans and waters - Mother Earth; our hospitals, labs, science, research, food, health, nutrition, gardens and wildlife. Climate change is real.
Protecting what many people take for granted depends on strong US leadership and enforcement of protective healthcare and environmental policies and funding.  We Marched for Science to help send that message. 

We could not be silent. The March for Science continues for all. We are proud to have participated in chants of, "This is what Democracy Looks Like," which was heard across America.

Every Day is Earth Day!
Related Links
Signs from Other Cities 

Scientists take to streets to defend research

Blog post and photos Copyright(C)Wind. All rights reserved. Happy Anniversary Linda and Russell xo

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