Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Happy Fourth of July! #GardenCuizine #IndependenceDay #July4th #4thofJuly #loveforall

Happy July 4th!

Harry got his work out this morning pushing Mom in her wheelchair to Moorestown NJ's Fourth of July Parade. She wore my wide brim blueberry festival garden hat, which worked well to keep the bright sun off her eyes.

The warm breeze felt good as we walked along the uneven brick walkway. We left the car parked on the outskirts of Main Street and walked past Trinity Episcopal Church to the parade route. We admired a few lovely gardens along the way on Main Street.

We didn't see anyone else in a wheelchair, but saw lots of baby strollers and wagons to pull small children. Many families dressed up in red, white and blue! The Muslims for Peace group got warm rounds of applause as they marched by holding a banner "love for all - hatred for none."
For those of you reading this who are worried about Mom, she is doing well since her surprising breast cancer diagnosis at age 86. She can walk without a wheelchair, but we would still be walking if we didn't use it today!

We had a good time. Hope you are enjoying your Independence Day too. Click here for a link to view more photos. Check back - I will be adding to the collection all week.

Happy July 4th!

Blog post and photos Copyright (C)Wind. All rights reserved.

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