Friday, May 18, 2018

Race For The Cure Philadelphia is over, but @SusanGKomen #BreastCancerAwareness continues! #pinkribbons #getyourmammo

We celebrated Mother's Day this year walking in the Susan G. Komen Philadelphia Race for the Cure in honor of Mom, a breast cancer survivor.

Mom is over 80. Her doctors never recommended her to get a mammogram. Earlier detection would have been better for her. 

As Elaine Grobman, Komen's Chief Executive Officer says, "Saving lives from breast cancer takes funding."

"Funding for:
  • Research: Leading to more effective, less invasive treatments and, hopefully, one day prevention
  • Research: Leading to greater understanding of how metastasis works and how to stop it
  • Equal access to care: Whether or not a person can afford a mammogram, treatment and support services, he or she must be connected with the quality care that will save lives
  • Educational programs and grassroots outreach: Mobilizing all women—of all ages—to practice early detection and act immediately if something is wrong with their breasts
  • Male breast cancer awareness programs
  • Removal of barriers: language, cultural myths and practices, financial limitations cannot stand between any person and lifesaving services"
Mom is our Senior Star. Who is yours? 
We invite you to come Walk with our "Senior Stars" group next year in honor and support of the Senior Star in your life.

Blog Post and photo Copyright (C)Wind. All rights reserved.

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