Sunday, July 21, 2019

Our tallest flowering plant; blooming now through fall! Cup plant #gardening #nativeplants

Cup plant Blooms

Daisy-like, yellow, native garden Cup plants
(Silphium perfoliatum) are blooming now through fall in our NJ garden. Cup plants grow even taller than Jerusalem Artichokes, which are tall too. We have them both growing together on the edge of our veggie garden.

Cup plants prefer wet soil, but can grow in average soil. With all the rain we've been having, our Cup plants are thriving; they grow as tall as 9 feet!

The name comes from the way the leaves wrap around the thick stems making a "cup" that water collects in. A little watering hole for birds and insects.

Photograph and blog post Copyright (C)Wind. All rights reserved.

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