Friday, September 27, 2019

Monarch Butterfly sighting in Mt. Laurel NJ in our backyard on Mexican Sunflowers!

photo by Diana Wind
Fall Monarch Butterfly 
in Mt. Laurel, NJ

Another adult Monarch Butterfly was seen on our Mexican Sunflowers this afternoon. I reported the sighting on JourneyNorth's statistics data collection. Report your sightings; citizen scientists make an important contribution to the understanding of monarchs and their incredible life cycle and migration.

We also refilled our hummingbird feeders today with fresh nectar. I wasn't sure if any hummingbirds were still around,,, they are! We had a female visiting at the red cannas that border our veggie garden just after refilling the feeders. So glad that I did.

Happy Gardening and Hummingbird and Monarch watching!

Grow a patch of Milkweed and Monarch butterflies will come.

Related Links
Amazing Year for Eastern Monarch Population

Blog post and photo Copyright (C)Wind. All rights reserved.

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