Sunday, February 16, 2020

Proud to be in the Photography exhibit at the Philadelphia Flower Show! #philadelphiaflowershow

Philadelphia Flower Show 
Photography Contest Finalist

I'm proud to announce that one of my photographs got selected as a finalist in the 2020 Philadelphia Flower Show, Riviera Holiday, photography exhibit and competition. My photo shows a sunset that I shot in the South Jersey Wetlands. I'm not going to post it here. You can see it at the Flower Show.
My entry is in Class 194 - Cirque du Soleil. The news of my photo being selected for the PHS photo contest could not have come at a better time.

This good news came in the midst of a completely horrible experience with my 88-year old mom going in the hospital for a pain in her leg on New Years Day, which morphed into a recommendation to send her to hospice.

The problem with her leg turned out to be nothing, but her hospital stay was a complete nightmare. Long story short, she nearly died before her God given time, going eight days without being fed food as they tried to find something wrong with her. Horrible, severe malnutrition followed. Actually, I'm still not recovered from the ordeal.

Today marks 37 days from Mom's midnight ride out of the hospital under a full moon to a rehab center. Here we are now celebrating a sunset! Like life itself, we take sunrises and sunsets for granted.

I'm thankful Mom is alive, happy and comfortable and here to share in the joy and happiness of me being in the Flower Show photography exhibit! Every day is a blessing.

Stop by the PHS photography exhibit to check out my photo along with all the other winners. Last years exhibitors were great.

See you at the show!

Diana Wind

Blog post and photo Copyright(C)Wind. All rights reserved.

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