Sunday, October 31, 2021

End of October Garden #GardenCuizine

End of October - Fall Harvest

How can it be Halloween and the end of October already? I'm sad to see the garden season wrapping up. As always, the many varieties of coleus didn't disappoint and will continue growing in one of our raised beds and in pots all around until a killing frost. The striking plants are blooming tiny, blue blossoms, which are beautiful! I started a few flats of cuttings to grow for next year. Coleus is easy to root from cuttings.

We didn't get many dahlias this year, but then, we didn't plant many. I miss my cousin Bob who passed away years ago now. Bob was my go-to source for dahlia tubers. It hasn't been the same without him.

As always, we harvested lots of heirloom tomatoes and peppers. The jalapenos keep on coming! I plan to snip a few bunches of Rosemary to take in before a freeze.

We had a surprise Fall Monarch sighting on October 25th, just in time for Loretta's birthday!! I couldn't believe it. I've been obsessed with Monarch's this year. Did you know that Fall monarch's migrate to Mexico? I find that fascinating and look forward to trying to photograph and witness a roost of them next Monarch migration 2022 at Cape May Point.

Our South Jersey garden has some strange things growing too, such as Passion fruits. For years I tried to get Passion vines growing to no avail. Now, it is growing all over, like a pesky weed. The fruits are extremely seedy. We don't use them in the kitchen.

What is still growing in your garden?

You can view more of my photos (and Harry's too) on Fine Art America.

Best for a Happy & Healthy Halloween!

Photos and blog post Copyright (C)Wind. All rights reserved

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