Friday, October 14, 2022

Health at Every Size video essay

Celebrate Diversity!

I hope you are all doing well! It has been a long time since I've posted. I've been quite busy between work and graduate school. Yes, I'm back in school at my old age! I'm working to get my Masters of Science in Applied Nutrition by next summer. Learn, learn, learn until it is time to retire. 

I'm inspired by Harry, Mom (RIP...), colleagues, and my Rowan graduate students. Students in Cohort 4 are busy learning in their clinical rotations now in their supervised practice. I'm very happy to see them building on their dietetics knowledge base and wish them all the best.

Our beautiful gardens are wrapping up with colorful fall blooming asters and goldenrod. We didn't have very many monarch caterpillars or butterflies this season. Overall less bugs of every kind. There were smells of pesticides at times during the summer. Sigh.... We have lots of native plants for pollinators here too. I hope people don't use as much pesticide sprays next season. 

Anyway, this post is to share my latest video creation on Health at Every Size®. It is only 3-minutes if you have time to take a look.

Health at Every Size® (HAES) is a non-diet approach to health and wellness. It promotes acceptance of all body shapes and sizes. Weight stigma and bias can be harmful to all ages, especially children. HAES promotes intuitive eating instead of weight management.

Over the years, as an outpatient clinical dietitian, I've experienced many adults and children crying in my office over their body weight. Weight shaming by family, friends and/or the public weighs heavy on their hearts and minds and can be hurtful, especially to children. 

HAES is controversial, especially for healthcare professionals. What do you think about this topic? Should society and healthcare professionals try and shift from weight management to health promotion?

Thanks for watching!

Related Links

Association for Size Diversity and Health 

Today's Dietitian article

Blog post and video (C)Copyright Wind. All rights reserved.


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