Monday, September 2, 2024

Today in Our Gardens

 Today in Our Garden


This post was a long time in coming...I am proud to announce that I have completed my graduate coursework and now have a Master's in Applied Nutrition! What better a way to celebrate than to walk around outdoors with my camera! 

  • Hummingbirds are still in NJ visiting our feeders and their favorite blooms, including cannas and salvias. 
  • The best fruits we grew this year were two varieties of figs and Petit Moineau heirloom tomatoes.

It was great to discover a robust and healthy monarch caterpillar in Harry's meadow!! This was the first one we've seen all season. My guess is the reduction in insects could be from people's use of systemic pesticides and insect spraying. Some insect reduction could be from our hungry Mt Laurel lizards! Lizzy's like bugs but wouldn't eat monarch larva, since monarchs are poisonous.

The incredible passion vines have taken over our vegetable garden! Fruits looking like limes are now dangling all over the place.

We missed the veggie market on Saturday, but enjoyed a walk around the Burlington County Agricultural Center's community garden plots. The above pollinator photo was taken in their herb garden located near their farmhouse where they do the cooking demos.

Hopefully, my next post will be sooner rather than later!

Best for good health and happiness,


Blog post and photos Copyright (C) Wind. All rights reserved.

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